当前检索式 ((ALL:The Qinghai-tibetan Plateau))
限定条件 ((发表日期:2016) AND (资助机构:31110103911)) AND (资助机构:31200281) AND (资助机构:Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellowship for Young International Scientists(2013Y2SB0005)) AND (资助机构:Main Direction Program of Knowledge Innovation of Chinese Academy of Sciences(KSCX2-EW-Z-1)) AND (资助机构:West Light Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences) AND (资助机构:international scientific and technological cooperation projects of Qinghai Province(2014-HZ-812)))
31110103911) 1 31200281 1 Chinese Academy of S 1
Main Direction Progr 1 National Natural Sci 1 West Light Foundatio 1
international scient 1